
Seagull Conference Solutions

In addition to our publishing services, we also offer comprehensive conference solutions to academics. We understand the significance of conferences in facilitating the exchange of ideas, networking opportunities, and academic growth. Our conference solutions aim to streamline the organization and management of conferences, making them enriching and fruitful experiences for all participants.

Conference Organization Services

We offer end-to-end support for planning and organizing academic conferences, ensuring seamless execution and successful outcomes.

Abstract Management System

Our user-friendly abstract submission and management system make it easy for participants to submit their research abstracts and for organizers to review and select presentations.

Registration Management

We provide a secure and efficient online registration system for conference attendees, simplifying the registration process and managing attendance data.

Conference Promotion

Our dedicated team assists in promoting the conference through various channels, maximizing participation and ensuring a diverse and engaged audience.

Conference Website Creation

We develop professional and informative conference websites that serve as a central hub for all essential information related to the event.

Venue and Accommodation Assistance

We can help identify suitable venues and accommodation options for the conference, taking into account the participants' needs and preferences.

Conference Proceedings Publication

As a publishing company, we can publish the conference proceedings, ensuring that the valuable research presented at the event reaches a wider readership.

On-site Support and Logistics

During the conference, our team can provide on-site assistance to manage logistics, troubleshoot issues, and ensure smooth operations.

Post-Conference Services

We offer follow-up services after the conference, including feedback collection, data analysis, and post-event reports.

Our goal is to facilitate meaningful academic interactions and foster collaborations through our conference solutions. We look forward to working with you and contributing to the success of your academic events.
If you have any specific requirements or would like to know more about our conference solutions, feel free to get in touch with our team. We are here to assist you every step of the way!